The Secrets of Your Handwriting: Your Personality in Your Penmanship【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
The Secrets of Your Handwriting: Your Personality in Your PenmanshipFind out what your handwriting says about you with this fascinating exploration of the art of graphology Discover the venerable art of graphology - how to interpret the curves, arcs and loops of the handwritten word to reveal the personality of the writer. This fascinating book is an exhaustive exploration of the art, taking each aspect of handwriting in turn - spacing, baseline, movement, speed, tension, pressure, size, slant, loops and form - to build up a reliable picture of the writer's nature. It also explores the many uses of graphology in contemporary life - it has been used to uncover crime, in recruitment and even to help find true love! In addition, the handwriting of 50 well-known figures is analysed, with intriguing results. Armed with this book you'll be able to gain a unique insight into the personalities of your friends and family, and maybe even find out a little bit about yourself.Dimensions: 19.3 x 14.22 x 2.29 centimetres (0.46 kg)グラフィカルな芸術のこの魅力的な探検であなたの手書きがあなたに語っていることを見つけてください。
それは現代の生活の中でグラフ術の多くの用途を探求しています - それは犯罪の発見、募集、そして真の愛を見つける助けにさえ使われてきました!さらに、よく知られている50人の人物の手書きが分析され、興味深い結果が得られます。
寸法:19.3 x 14.22 x 2.29センチメートル(0.46 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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