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Aspects of Roman History 82BC-AD14A Source-based Approach【電子書籍】[ Mark Everson Davies ]
![Aspects of Roman History 82BC-AD14A Source-based Approach【電子書籍】[ Mark Everson Davies ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/8672/2000002208672.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Aspects of Roman History 82BC-AD14A Source-based Approach【電子書籍】[ Mark Everson Davies ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/8672/2000002208672.jpg?_ex=365x365)
![Aspects of Roman History 82BC-AD14A Source-based Approach【電子書籍】[ Mark Everson Davies ]](https://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/rakutenkobo-ebooks/cabinet/8672/2000002208672.jpg?_ex=365x365)
<p><em>Aspects of Roman History 82BC?AD14</em> examines the political and military history of Rome and its empire in the Ciceronian and Augustan ages. It is an indispensable introduction to this central period of Roman History for all students of Roman history, from pre-university to undergraduate level.</p> <p>This is the first book since H.H. Scullard’s <em>From the Gracchi to Nero</em>, published two generations ago, to offer a full introductory account of one of the most compelling and vital periods in the history of Europe. <em>Aspects of Roman History 82BC?AD14</em>:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li>brings to life the great figures of Pompey, Caesar, Antony, Cleopatra and Augustus, and explores how power was gained, used and abused</li> <li></li> <li></li> <li>covers the lives of women and slaves, the running of the empire and the lives of provincials, and religion, culture and propaganda</li> <li></li> <li></li> <li>offers both a survey of the main topics and a detailed narrative through the close examination of sources</li> <li></li> <li></li> <li>introduces students to the problems of interpreting evidence, and helps develop the knowledge and skills needed to further the study of ancient history.</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:4,159円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0.0
デービス 関連ツイート
@Tongari_gadget 2019/03/20 19:40
@fellagamo 2019/03/20 19:45
RT @MLBJapan: 3回裏終了。マリナーズ5-4アスレチックス
開幕戦から景気良く花火大会だ🔥SEAの5番ドミンゴ・サンタナがライト方向へグランドスラムを放ち一挙逆転⚾️ しかしOAKも本塁打王クリス・デービスの2ランでやり返して1点差となっています!
@MGMJapa…@charlie99sports 2019/03/20 19:59